
The Lancet publishes commentary about the GloPID-R Funders Living Roadmap & funders highlight the value of this new tool to improve clinical trial coordination

A commentary by the GloPID-R Clinical Trial Network and Funders (CTN&F) Working Group was published on July 1 in The Lancet, highlighting the importance of this new report for improved clinical trial coordination. In parallel, funding organizations are increasingly acknowledging the Roadmap’s usefulness in its support of implementing WHA Resolution 75.8.

Since the Living Roadmap was launched on May 4, it has been gaining attention across the funders’ community as a valuable tool to support implementation of World Health Assembly Resolution 75.8 on strengthening clinical trials to improve research quality and coordination. This new GloPID-R report was developed through extensive consultation by the CTN&F Working Group, drawing on the experience of research funders and international trialists during the pandemic and previous outbreaks.

During the 76th World Health Assembly held in late May 2023, the Living Roadmap was presented as a vehicle to support collaborative coordinated approaches to funding clinical trials by GloPID-R member UK Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) at a side event sponsored by IFPMA. The report’s recommendations were welcomed as an effective way to support coordinated approaches to clinical trial funding in line with WHA 75.8 priorities. At another WHA side event focused on global action to meet local needs during emerging outbreaks, which was hosted by the Geneva Graduate Institute and PANTHER, the three goals and principles of the Roadmap were cited as a means to appraise trials funded by GloPID-R member BMBF.

To accompany the launch of the Roadmap, a commentary for The Lancet was written by Isabel Foster, John Amuasi, Jeremy Geelen, Detlef Böcking, Hans Hagen, Louise Sigfrid and Alice Norton on behalf of the GloPID-R CTN&F Working Group members. The authors describe how the GloPID-R Living Roadmap for Clinical Trial Coordination can be used by funders to improve global capacity to generate high-quality evidence to inform clinical and public health response and outcomes.

Currently, the CTN&F Working Group is supporting funders as they implement the recommended actions outlined in the report.

GloPID-R, the Global Research Collaboration for Infectious Disease Preparedness, has been working to improve coordination among global funders since 2013.

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The GloPID-R Secretariat is a project which receives funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101094188.