
Official launch of the GloPID-R Africa Hub in Cape Town

On August 22-23 in Cape Town, the GloPID-R Africa Hub was officially launched during a conference hosted by the South African Medical Research Council (SAMRC). This important event was attended by scientists, policy makers and public health experts from across the globe, with a virtual option for delegates to take part online.

It was organized by the SAMRC through its Cochrane South Africa intramural unit and the GloPID-R Africa Hub Secretariat. Participants from Africa and beyond took part in roundtable discussions and break-out sessions. They also heard from an impressive line-up of internationally renowned speakers, including leading scientists from SAMRC.

GloPID-R Africa Hub group

Highlights & key topics

Following the launch, the GloPID-R Africa Hub will begin working on initiatives to support progress in combatting infectious diseases and promoting collaborative research across Africa with a focus on:

  • Capacity Building: The Hub is committed to capacity-building efforts, including training and knowledge exchange programs, to empower African scientists and researchers in the fight against infectious diseases.
  • Collaboration and Partnerships: The inaugural event featured contributions from representatives of numerous African nations, international organizations, and research institutions. The Hub aims to foster collaboration and partnerships between African and international research communities to strengthen the continent’s capacity for infectious disease research.
  • Cutting-edge Research: The GloPID-R Africa Hub will facilitate the collaboration of funders investing in groundbreaking research on infectious diseases, including emerging pathogens and neglected tropical diseases. This research is crucial for the African continent and global health security.
  • Rapid Response: In line with GloPID-R’s mission, the Africa Hub will facilitate rapid response mechanisms, enabling swift coordination and resource allocation during new or re-emerging infectious disease outbreaks.
  • Strengthening Resilience: Establishing the GloPID-R Africa Hub is seen as a vital step in strengthening the resilience of African nations against infectious diseases, which have historically posed significant health and economic challenges.

Today more than ever, as the world faces ongoing and emerging health threats, it is crucial to bring together a wide variety of stakeholders to develop solutions before the next outbreak occurs. The GloPID-R Africa Hub’s inauguration in Cape Town illustrates that the fight against infectious diseases knows no borders, and that concerted efforts are being made across the globe to ensure a healthier and safer future for all.

About the Africa Hub

Closely aligned with the GloPID-R regional hub strategy, the work of the Africa Hub facilitates the coordination of funders of research on infectious diseases with pandemic and epidemic potential while helping to strengthen regional ownership and address inequity in the distribution of research funding. The Africa Hub is hosted by the South African Medical Research Council (SAMRC) with the generous support of the European and Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership (EDCTP) funded by the UK Department of Health & Social Care.

For detailed information about the conference sessions and speakers, please see the program:
Download the program

Download the GloPID-R Africa Hub Launch report & summary:
Download the report & summary

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The GloPID-R Secretariat is a project which receives funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101094188.