
Just Released: JPIAMR 2018 Call for Networks

The Joint Programming Initiative on Antimicrobial Resistance (JPIAMR) launched its eighth joint call for transnational networks on May 14, 2018. This Network Call aims to identify research community needs and develop ideas to form the foundation for the JPIAMR-VRI.

GloPID-R members: Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Egypt Academy of Scientific Research & Technology, Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) Germany, Ministry of Health Italy, Research Council of Norway (RCN), National Institute of Health Carlos III and UK Medical Research Council are also part of JPIAMR, which initiated this joint call for proposals.

JPIAMR recognizes a need to reinforce alignment of AMR research. To promote this, the JPIAMR will establish a Virtual Research Institute in AMR (JPIAMR-VRI) – a global network connecting research performing organizations, including institutes, centers, and infrastructures.

The JPIAMR-VRI will provide a platform to increase coordination, improve visibility of the AMR researcher base, facilitate knowledge exchange and capacity development across the globe, covering the full One Health spectrum.

Up to 21 Networks will be funded with up to €50 000 each coordinator to connect experts from research performing organizations and establish expertise clusters in the AMR community.

The deadline to submit proposals is July 4, 2018.

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Note that JPIAMR Network calls do not fund research projects.

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The GloPID-R Secretariat is a project which receives funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101094188.