What’s new today with the COVID-19 Funded Research Project Tracker?

A recent blog post highlights what’s new, valuable and innovative about the COVID-19 Research Project Tracker developed by GloPID-R and the UK Collaborative on Development Research (UKCDR). Chantel Jones, Research Assistant at COVID CIRCLE, explains step-by-step how data is used by the Tracker to provide the most comprehensive database on COVID-19 research funding. Her blog post was published on October 3, 2022 on the UKCDR website.

This article sets out in detail how the Tracker team uses data from around the world to help public health stakeholders deliver a more effective and coherent pandemic response. The Tracker supports funders and researchers by contributing to a fuller view of the global research funding landscape, including by identifying gaps and opportunities for research and classifying research projects against international frameworks.

COVID CIRCLE (COVID-19 Research Coordination and Learning) is a joint initiative between GloPID-R and UKCDR. It helps direct the COVID-19 research response with a focus on lower-resource settings. The Tracker is one of the key tools it uses to achieve this.

Read the blogpost
Read more about the COVID-19 Research Project Tracker

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The GloPID-R Secretariat is a project which receives funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101094188.