Successful CTN&F workshop in Annecy makes progress on GloPID-R Funders Roadmap
The Clinical Trial Networks and Funders (CTN&F) working group met at Les Pensières Center for Global Health from September 29 to 30, 2022. Counting online and remote participants, a total of 40 people took part in the meeting.
Over the past year, a key priority of the working group has been to take forward recommendations to improve clinical trial coordination, set out in the 75th World Health Assembly resolution on strengthening clinical trials, the 100 Days Mission and the G7 clinical trials charter. In the first half of 2022, the CTN&F working group has built on previous work and held a series of meetings, workshops and direct consultations. Gathering information in this way has allowed it to scope out remaining and new challenges and suggest solutions to the coordination of effective and equitable trial responses to outbreaks. The overarching aim of the group’s work is to inform principles and priority actions for funders to address the identified challenges and solutions.
The meeting in Annecy brought together members of the working group of global funders and clinical trial network representatives, observers and associated stakeholders to refine the identified principles and actions, which will inform the GloPID-R Funders Roadmap for Clinical Trial Coordination. It was recognized that not all funders may be able to implement all of the actions but can endorse the main principles. The meeting was attended by participants representing five different regions of the globe. Through interactive sessions and rich discussions, the participants developed key priority actions for funders. The Funders Roadmap outlining the identified principles and priority actions, which will be shared with the GloPID-R membership for consultation in late 2022, will be followed by the publication of the final Roadmap in early 2023.
GloPID-R Chair, Charu Kaushic attended the meeting in Annecy and commented:
“I’m especially impressed with the comprehensive set of principles included in the Funders Roadmap draft that was discussed and refined during the meeting – the fruit of a great deal of hard work by the GloPID-R CTN&F Working Group with the support of the Data Sharing Working Group.”