ERINHAA new approach to epidemic preparedness research in Europe
The project ISIDORe (Integrated Services for Infectious Disease Outbreak Research), coordinated by ERINHA, was officially launched on February 24. It brings together more than 275 individuals, including representatives of member research infrastructures and networks, as well as service-provision entities and European policy makers.

As reported in Nature, this €21M EU-funded large-scale project, launched under the HERA incubator emergency call on COVID-19 variants and other infectious diseases, includes an unprecedented One Health-driven, integrated portfolio of cutting-edge research services and resources. These go from the most fundamental to the most applied, dedicated to the study of epidemic-prone diseases including SARS-CoV-2 variants. ISIDORe will run in collaboration with BY-COVID, thereby improving the access, management, analysis and sharing of infectious disease data across disciplines.

ISIDORe’s first actions will contribute to fighting the rise of the SARS-CoV-2 variants by providing researchers with fast and free access to an exceptionally large pool of resources and services of 17 European life-sciences research infrastructures and networks.
As well as coordinating the project, ERINHA will provide access to its high-containment facilities and complementary expertise to perform in-vivo and in-vitro research on high-consequence pathogens.