Data Sharing Working Group

Access the newly released Principles of Data Sharing in Public Health Emergencies (PHEs), discover the work to develop case studies and learn how you can get involved in shaping the dynamics of data sharing during PHEs.

The Data Sharing Working Group presented its work and activity plan at the GloPID-R General Assembly in February 2018. Katherine Littler, the Chair of the Group, presented the finalized Principles for Data Sharing in Public Health Emergencies, which were developed by the working group following extensive consultation. Even though the principles were approved at the General Assembly, they will be a living document, revised periodically, based on continued engagement and knowledge gained from the working group’s activities. The members’ next steps are to develop plans and activities for operationalizing the principles.

Principles of Data Sharing

Another key area of the workplan is to commission case studies by Wellcome Trust and the Department for International Development (DFID) to support the work of the working group and contribute to the wider understanding of data sharing in public health emergencies based on an analysis of past outbreaks.

Four teams of researchers were selected to conduct in depth case studies documenting barriers and enablers in data sharing during outbreaks such as MERS CoV, Ebola, yellow fever and cholera in different contexts. The four groups will bring varied expertise and perspectives which will allow for detailed insight into what has worked in data sharing in the past, where there might be overlap across contexts and outbreaks and how this should inform data sharing going forward. The work on the case studies is expected to begin in June 2018 and be completed by November 2018. Findings from the reports will be embedded in future practice and provide key insight to inform data sharing practices and policies. Case studies and accompanying reports will be made available and accessible.

The working group had also commissioned work on the data sharing landscape and repositories to inform its practices:

  • Data sharing in public health emergencies: A study of current policies, practices and infrastructure supporting the sharing of data to prevent and respond to epidemic and pandemic threats
  • Sharing health research data in low-resource settings: Supporting necessary infrastructure and building on good practices
  • Development of Standards for Online Repositories

As presented at the GloPID-R 2018 General Assembly, aligning funder policies and practices, understanding how funders approach data sharing, improving coordination and providing guidance for grant holders are key priorities for the working group members.

Accepting New Members

Diversified and broader membership is of significant importance for the Data Sharing Working Group. The group is open to having new members join – particularly those with technical expertise and interests in data infrastructure and technology, social science and representing wider geographical contexts. If you are interested in joining the working group or know organizations that would be well placed to support our work, please get in touch.

More information

Katherine Littler
Wellcome Trust

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The GloPID-R Secretariat is a project which receives funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101094188.