- Early activation of the GloPID-R global response strategy: alongside WHO, we worked with our members and partners to identify and set the specific research priorities needed to tackle COVID-19 and to select and launch research projects for rapid funding.
- Global coordination: to identify existing knowledge gaps, map emerging research priorities and decide on the critical research to be addressed, GloPID-R and WHO convened the Global research and innovation forum: towards a research roadmap for the 2019 novel Coronavirus at WHO Headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland. Key resources resulting from this meeting included the Global Research Road Map and the Overview of State of the Art & Outline of Key Knowledge Gaps.
- Long COVID: to gain a better understanding of the long-term impact of COVID-19 in both adults and children and to help identify research gaps, GloPID-R and ISARIC organized the Long COVID Joint Research Forum gathering members of the research community, patient groups, research funders, policy makers and public health representatives.
- Synergies: to further promote and establish collaboration and synergies among researchers funded by our members, GloPID-R invited global funders, researchers & stakeholders to virtual COVID-19 Research Synergies Meetings on the themes of Vaccines, Therapeutics, Understanding Transmission, and Social Sciences.
- LMICs: organized by COVID CIRCLE (GloPID-R and UKCDR) with the COVID-19 Clinical Research Coalition, this virtual COVID-19 Research in Low & Middle Income Countries event brought together global funders and researchers actively undertaking research into COVID-19 across LMICs.
- Tracking: GloPID-R partners with UKCDR in the development of the COVID-19 Research Project Tracker as well as the COVID CIRCLE Researcher Coordination Platform to facilitate information sharing and bring together the global research community working on COVID-19 research, in and for low resource settings.
- Data sharing: GloPID-R together with 156 organisations affirmed their commitment to ensure research findings of relevance are shared rapidly with WHO by signing the ‘Joint statement on sharing research data and findings relevant to the novel coronavirus (nCoV) outbreak’.
- Advancing knowledge through experience: The GloPID-R Roadmap for data sharing during public health emergencies, developed during previous epidemics, and the lessons learned, have facilitated the emergency response to COVID-19. The worldwide collaboration being established today will inform and improve global preparedness for future outbreaks of infectious diseases.
- Research Recommendations: The report COVID-19 Research Recommendations & Considerations for GloPID-R, 2021-2023, developed by the Scientific Advisory Group (SAG) and Co-Chairs, informs GloPID-R’s coordinated approach to COVID-19 research funding. The GloPID-R Co-Chairs issued a set of recommendations to accompany the report.
- Learning Report: The report ‘Funding and undertaking research during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic: COVID CIRCLE lessons for funders’ reviews lessons learned for funders since the start of the pandemic, particularly in LMICs. It provides specific recommendations for action by funders to improve the implementation of the Funders Principles today and in the future.
- Virtual Dialogue: The online event for global funders ‘What have we learned from funding COVID-19 research across the globe?’, organized by COVID CIRCLE, explored the lessons learned from the first year of funding COVID research, especially in low- and middle-income countries.
- Living Mapping Review: This new iteration for future COVID-19 research funding includes an analysis of research on the UKCDR/GloPID-R Project Tracker mapped against priorities in the UN Research Roadmap for the COVID-19 Recovery. New Iteration of Living Mapping Review
- Funders’ Roundtable on Clinical Trials: This virtual event was co-convened by GloPID-R and the UK Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC), bringing together global research funders with WHO and G7 stakeholders to explore how to improve the coordination and efficiency of funding clinical trials. Funders’ Roundtable to Improve Clinical Trials Coordination