Looking forward to the GloPID-R General Assembly in Brazil

Reinaldo Salomão, Professor and Director, Sepsis Research Laboratory

We are in the final stages of preparing the 2023 GloPID-R General Assembly, which will take place in São Paulo, Brazil, from October 24 to 26. On behalf of the host organization, I strongly encourage all GloPID-R members and observers to take an active part in this meeting, where questions of critical importance for the future of GloPID-R will be discussed and decided.

If you have not yet registered to attend, in person or remotely, it’s not too late!

My organization, the São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP), is proud to be hosting this year’s meeting. Alongside FIOCRUZ and Butantan Institute, FAPESP is one of GloPID-R’s three Brazilian members. FAPESP is a public foundation funded by taxpayers in the State of São Paulo. Nearly half of our investments support research in the Life Sciences, and we invest in a wide range of research projects on infectious diseases with pandemic and epidemic potential. Being a part of the GloPID-R network is extremely important for FAPESP because it allows us to share data and experience, and to collaborate with funders working towards common goals across the globe.

I am convinced that cooperating and learning from each other this way is the best preparation for an adequate and efficient response to future infectious disease outbreaks.

In this context, GloPID-R is currently facing exciting prospects and major decisions. We have already made progress in reviewing our procedures to renew the Executive Board and update the GloPID-R governance framework, and now we must roll up our sleeves and finalize these changes. Both are essential to ensure that our coalition of funding organizations is equipped to efficiently carry forward key projects with the aim of facilitating coordination among funders to enhance research preparedness and impact.

Here are some of GloPID-R’s top priorities that we will hear more about at the General Assembly:

  • The GloPID-R Funders Living Roadmap for Clinical Trial Coordination: During the open part of the General Assembly, attended by local policy makers and researchers, a session featuring short talks and a panel discussion will look at the implementation of our Living Roadmap by funders from different regions.
  • A work plan for the GloPID-R Coordinated Funding Mechanism: In a recent member survey, 96% of 27 respondents indicated their organizations’ interest in learning more about this far-reaching project. Members and observers will have the opportunity to attend presentations, a panel discussion and a Q&A session.
  • An update on Pandemic PACT, expected to launch in late 2023. The PACT team is developing a powerful new tool to track data about research funding and clinical evidence for a broad range of diseases.
  • The continued implementation of the Regional Hub Strategy: Following the launch of the Africa Hub in August, next we must turn our attention to preparing the Latin America Hub.

In addition, we will hear updates from the GloPID-R Working Groups. Other highlights will include a keynote address and contributions from high-level speakers representing WHO, PAHO, NIH and global funding organizations. For the first time, the General Assembly will also include an open session and we look forward to this opportunity to exchange with graduate students, researchers and leaders from regional academic and research institutions. We will pool our insights and lessons learnt as we look beyond COVID-19 and explore ways to address future endemic and emerging infectious disease outbreaks.

Once again, I urge all GloPID-R member organizations to make their voices heard at the General Assembly. Join us and participate in key decisions about GloPID-R’s current and future directions, so that together we can find solutions to address the global challenges facing funders.

I look forward to seeing you in São Paulo!

Reinaldo Salomão
Professor and Director, Sepsis Research Laboratory
EPM/Unifesp, Division of Infectious Diseases,
Senior Scientific Advisor
São Paulo Research Foundation – FAPESP

General Assembly

October 24-26, 2023

FAPESP – R. Pio XI, 1500 – Alto da Lapa – São Paulo – Brazil
For more information and registration

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The GloPID-R Secretariat is a project which receives funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101094188.