Latest news on Pandemic PACT

The “Pandemic Preparedness: Analytical Capacity and Funding Tracking Programme” continues to make strides and is mid-way through the development phase to build a powerful new research tracking tool.

The GloPID-R Research and Policy Team is currently working on:

  • Consultation with funding data leads in research funding organisations to align Pandemic PACT with existing data practices.
  • Rapid Research Needs Appraisal (RRNA) development meeting.
  • Commissioning the web-based PACT funding tracking dashboard development.
  • Designing the PACT database (based on input from the January 2023 consultation meeting and Advisory Board input).
  • Publishing analysis protocols and baseline reviews & launching the online tool.

Several newcomers have joined the PACT team and will be starting in the coming months, including research assistants, post-doctoral scientists, and a data manager.

Pandemic PACT is a four-year programme to develop a tool with the research and analytical capability to collate and analyse global funding data for a wide range of epidemic-prone diseases and broader epidemic and pandemic research preparedness activities on an ongoing basis to inform effective funding decision-making. PACT will support the coordination of research preparedness and research responses during new epidemics and pandemics (especially across LMICs).

Designed to support preparedness activities, Pandemic PACT will be especially useful to funders, researchers and policymakers. It is being developed in cooperation with GloPID-R partner UKCDR. The Pandemic PACT team has also worked with the GO FAIR Foundation to ensure that the tracker is FAIR by design, i.e., built to comply with the FAIR principles for scientific data management (Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability, and Reuse of digital assets). For the RRNAs, the team is also developing collaborations with Cochrane South Africa and Cochrane Response.

This programme has been made possible through the generous support of Wellcome Trust, EDCTP (with UK DHSC funding), IDRC and ZonMW.

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The GloPID-R Secretariat is a project which receives funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101094188.