GloPID-R Director gives keynote address at ERA4Health workshop on funding mechanisms for investigator-initiated clinical studies (IICSs)
Hans Hagen, GloPID-R Scientific and Advocacy Director, delivered the keynote address at the second ERA4Health workshop. Hosted by ECRIN, the workshop was organized in Brussels, Belgium on 8 and 9 February 2024 to discuss funding mechanisms for multinational Investigator-Initiated Clinical Studies (IICSs). It brought together funders, clinical study experts, the European Commission, and Health and Digital Executive Agency (HaDEA) representatives.
On Day 1, Hans Hagen provided an overview of GloPID-R’s work to develop a coordinated funding initiative in his presentation ‘Clinical research funding models: Is there an adequate transnational funding model for multinational IICSs?’
During the ERA4Health workshop, participants and invited speakers looked at the intricacies of organizing funding for IICSs with discussions of existing funding mechanisms, transnational funding models, and eligibility criteria and selection.
The organizers are planning to develop and submit a peer-reviewed article based on the proceedings.