ANRS | Emerging Infectious DiseasesUpdates on strategic projects and upcoming events

Strategic Projects

CSA Be Ready (coordinated by INSERM / ANRS | EID)

The first version of the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda, as well as a description of the future partnership, will be presented to the CSA BE READY consortium in autumn 2023. They will then be submitted for consultation to the European Commission and member states.

Validation of CSA COMECT ‘Coordinating Mechanisms for Cohorts and Trials’

INSERM / ANRS | EID is participating in the CSA COMECT project as part of a Horizon Europe call for proposals. The aims of the project, which was approved by the European Commission in early August, are to strengthen the preparedness of clinical research networks in Europe, and to improve response capacity to infectious disease epidemics through strategic and scientific coordination. ANRS | EID is partnering with the Norwegian Institute of Public Health (lead), the Ecraid Foundation, the European Clinical Research Infrastructure Network, the University of Verona, the Penta Foundation and the University of Cologne. The CSA Grant Agreement is due to be signed in November.

One Health approach for integrated surveillance of Marburg virus disease in high-risk areas of southern Cameroon – MARCAM Project

Following the first Marburg disease outbreak in Equatorial Guinea in February 2023, ANRS | EID is co-funding a research program entitled ‘One Health approach for integrated surveillance of Marburg virus disease in high-risk areas of southern Cameroon’ (MARCAM) together with the French National Research Institute for Sustainable Development (IRD) and WHO. MARCAM is an integrated sero-epidemiological surveillance program involving field missions at the Cameroon-Guinea border to investigate the circulation of Marburg virus in local and transitory human populations such as travelers, and in suspected animal reservoirs, particularly bat species such as Rousetta aegypticus.

Upcoming events

11th EDCTP Forum

The 11th EDCTP Forum will be held for the first time in France from November 7 to 10, 2023, hosted in Paris by ANRS | EID and the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research. Some 600 participants, researchers, scientists and decision-makers from Africa and Europe are expected to attend in person, and up to 1,000 via remote access. It will mark the 20th anniversary of the program and will be the first EDCTP Forum in its new ‘Institutionalized Partnership with the European Commission’ form. The theme of the Forum is ‘Partnering for Global Health Research Innovation and Impact in Africa, Celebrating EDCTP: two decades and beyond’.
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Arbo-France network

The Arbo-France network, with the support of ANRS | EID, is organizing a scientific day entitled ‘Towards an integrated West-Nile surveillance strategy in France?’ on November 28, 2023, in Paris and online.  The aim of this event is to compare existing European surveillance networks for the West-Nile virus, and to discuss integrated surveillance, with a view to identifying areas for improvement in France.

Scientific Days

Two Scientific Days will be held on October 9, 2023 in Brazil, and on November 15 to 16 in Vietnam with the ANRS | EID partner sites. These events are an opportunity to take stock of collaborative research and to decide on research priorities and perspectives for the coming years.
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EU Flag

The GloPID-R Secretariat is a project which receives funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101094188.